All Berry Pedals are made in Wollongong NSW, Australia by Aaron Berry.
From Aaron -
"Well here it is- the first pedal of 2023! The Cherub Fuzz is an idea I’ve been toying with for a little while now and I reckon I can finally settle on it!
One of my all-time favourite bands are the Pumpkins. Siamese Dream is just one of those albums I grew up with and feel really inspired a lot of the stuff I play today. The riffs, the mix, the band- just everything is phenomenal.
There’s no secret regarding Billy Corgan’s use of the Op-Amp Big Muff on the recording of this album. When EHX reissued it a few years ago I went and bought it and absolutely fell in love…except there’s that one little issue I came across where you kind of just disappear in a room with a band.
So, the Cherub Fuzz was born. I’ve combined the Op-Amp muff with an active 3 band EQ. This EQ is a little different to what I’ve used before for pedals, using gyrators instead of just an active/passive stack.
Also, Mayonaise rules and this pedal absolutely needed those lyrics on the front.
The 3 bands focus around these frequencies:
High- 3000kHz.
Mids- 800Hz.
Lows- 120Hz.
It was hard to pick 3 frequencies to really use all in all but I feel like these have a wide range and are all very usable. The same classic tones of the original can be heard by really turning the Mid control down and boosting the Low- adjust Highs as needed."
(9v power supply not included)
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